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Alumni News

  • 7 Apr 2023 12:00 PM | Tavon Cooke (Administrator)

    Petr Vrba studied Political Science at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. In 2021, he spent his spring semester at the University of Kansas, Lawrence through ISEP. Petr shared his unique experience studying abroad during the pandemic and how the opportunity has vitally inspired his individual and professional pursuits. 

    Petr is passionate about International Relations and wanted to study abroad like his classmates. He reached out to his faculty, who partnered with ISEP to facilitate Petr’s experience in the United States. ISEP was not Petr’s first exchange opportunity. In 2020, he studied abroad in Northern Ireland through Erasmus. Unfortunately, Petr had to come home early in early March 2020 due to the pandemic. However, he did not give up on his dreams, and applied for ISEP in June that year. Looking back, Petr says this turbulent time had a silver lining: one opportunity cut short opened the door for another uniquely exciting one.

    Every exchange student recalls their experience as a “special” one. This adjective applies to Petr’s case quite literally. Arriving on the campus in January 2021, Petr had to navigate “the new normal” as we called it. Covid regulations limited some activities, but did not define his spring semester at University of Kansas. Although most of his classes were online, Petr had a thought-provoking academic experience. He enrolled in interesting classes, including one about International Organizations which inspired his career interest in diplomatic service. 

    Petr often found himself as the only non-American student in his classes. He says that while “it was a nervous experience,” it helped him overcome his shyness. Moreover, Petr could offer a unique perspective as an exchange student to the discussions in class. “Classes here place more emphasis on forming your own opinions and applying them to recent events,” he says, “I’m glad to experience new ways of learning in the United States.” Petr especially enjoyed going to his only in-person class. Face masks and Covid measures posed challenges to bond with classes, but Petr found it “refreshing” to meet physically again. “Back home it wasn’t possible [to meet in-person], but here I could.” 

    During his free time, Petr hit the gym, read, or hung out with his international friends. Together they would challenge each other in a card game of UNO, play soccer, or attend musical performances, which were not available in the Czech Republic due to protocols at the time. Petr also liked traveling locally with his friends. Petr is glad he was in Lawrence, where he could “truly see the real America.” He had visited New York City once as a tourist, but the experience was different. In his words, the United States “is a huge country with many cultures, and there he gained “first-hand experience of the Midwest.”

    ISEP broadened Petr’s horizons and motivated him to keep searching for more opportunities. He shares, “the only thing you regret is the opportunity not taken.” Last year, Petr landed an internship at Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations in New York City, where he witnessed discussions on pressing issues taking place. It was a memorable experience for Petr, and his ISEP exchange played a crucial role in inspiring him to further pursue his passions.

    Studying abroad offers many perks. Petr argues that besides developing proficiency in English or another language, exchange programs give a competitive edge professionally. “Your potential employer will recognize these skills: being independent, unafraid of taking on challenges, and being multicultural. Nowadays it’s hard to be unique. This experience helps you stand out.” More importantly, he adds, “you will always have stories to tell.”

    *Story written by Mai Kasemsawade, ISEP Princetern 

  • 31 Mar 2023 12:00 PM | Tavon Cooke (Administrator)

    Dear ISEP Community, we are sharing this invitation on behalf of member institution Kansai Gaidai University in Japan.  

    While this may be of particular interest to students who participated on exchange in Japan, this invitation is open to all ISEP alumni worldwide.  It is a hybrid event, so you may tune in virtually. 

    Kansai Gaidai University is thrilled to send this invitation to our very first Asian Studies Program (ASP) Homecoming Event on Saturday, May 27th, 2023 (depending on your time zone, the event might start on the day before) as follows:

    Date & Time:   May 27, 2023 (Sat) 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Japan Standard Time (UTC+9)

    Venue:             Multimedia Hall at Nakamiya Campus, Kansai Gaidai University.  Online participation is also welcome.

    To date, the Asian Studies Program has accommodated nearly 20,000 students, but this is the very first time in our history that we hold a homecoming event at our university.  Though the main event is held on-site, overseas residents are also welcome to participate online so that you will have a chance to meet your fellow friends, create a new network, etc.

    Registration: (by April 30th)

    If you have any inquiries about this event, please contact us at [email protected].

    Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you on-site or online at our Homecoming Event!


    Stephen Zurcher

    Dean of the Asian Studies Program

    Kansai Gaidai University

  • 16 Mar 2023 6:00 PM | Tavon Cooke (Administrator)

    The DC Chapter is back with its first event of 2023! 

    Join us in reconnecting with fellow ISEP Alums where you can hear about the resources the Alumni Association offers you, but more importantly, you can discover what alums in the DC area are up to.

    DC Alums are engaged in a broad range of careers and fields, but they all share the ISEP experience that unites them on a deep level. So come have drinks and appetizers as we bring back your ISEP experience!

    Event details can be found here: 

  • 13 Mar 2023 12:00 PM | Tavon Cooke (Administrator)

    Developing Your Networks from Local to Global 

    Thursday March 23, 2023

    3:00 p.m. to 4:00p.m. (Eastern Time)

    ISEP community,

    Join us for an informative workshop on building and expanding one's networks.  Global engagement specialist and ISEP board member, Dr. Gretchen Dobson, will host a presentation on how ISEP alumni can leverage their existing networks, as well as give tips on how to expand their networks in order to unlock new personal and professional connections and opportunities.  As part of the presentation, she will share examples of success from her own personal story.   Gretchen welcomes attendee participation to make the presentation an interactive experience. 

    This presentation would be especially beneficial for students who have recently completed their study abroad experiences and are preparing to start their careers, as well as alumni with professional experience looking to advance further.

    A Zoom link will be sent to those who R.S.V.P. yes a few days before the event.  

  • 13 Mar 2023 12:00 PM | Tavon Cooke (Administrator)

    Developing Your Networks from Local to Global 

    Thursday March 23, 2023

    3:00 p.m. to 4:00p.m. (Eastern Time)

    ISEP community,

    Join us for an informative workshop on building and expanding one's networks.  Global engagement specialist and ISEP board member, Dr. Gretchen Dobson, will host a presentation on how ISEP alumni can leverage their existing networks, as well as give tips on how to expand their networks in order to unlock new personal and professional connections and opportunities.  As part of the presentation, she will share examples of success from her own personal story.   Gretchen welcomes attendee participation to make the presentation an interactive experience. 

    This presentation would be especially beneficial for students who have recently completed their study abroad experiences and are preparing to start their careers, as well as alumni with professional experience looking to advance further.

    A Zoom link will be sent to those who R.S.V.P. yes a few days before the event.  

    For questions, please contact Tavon Cooke at [email protected]

  • 8 Mar 2023 12:00 PM | Tavon Cooke (Administrator)

    Thea Li is a senior majoring in computer science with a minor in music at Rhodes Colleges in Memphis, Tennessee. She participated in the ISEP exchange program at Korea University in 2020. Although her experience was virtual due to the pandemic, Thea made the most of the opportunity to explore her passions for art while fostering new connections both during class and in her free time.

    At Rhodes College, Thea plays the harp, is involved in various photography projects, and conducts theater performances. However, in looking at study abroad programs, Thea wanted the opportunity to explore communications classes related to her interests. Thea saw Korea University’s robust media curriculum as a golden opportunity to learn in the country which plays a major role in the global entertainment industry. While she is already studying internationally in the United States, Thea says the two countries are different from one another, and that she wants to continue studying abroad to explore these cultural nuances.

    From her base in Beijing, Thea enrolled in a variety of online classes, from international relations, architecture, media, to film studies. Thea was very excited about Korea University’s media and film classes, as it provided her a unique lens through which to view art. The year 2020 was also when the Korean industry gained immense popularity, with the film Parasite winning the Oscars. “It was a great time to study media in Korea when the industry was at its peak,” Thea says. Moreover, the Korean film industry is inclusive of different cultural, societal, and personal backgrounds. Thea found the experience very rich and valuable, especially when the Chinese media industry became increasingly more restricted and censored. 

    The architecture class was also a highlight of Thea’s ISEP experience. She enjoyed constructing models and shifting them in different angles for her class to see over Zoom. Here are some examples of the wonderful designs she created, including a straw model that amazed the entire class.

    Despite her exchange experience being virtual, Thea created a fully immersive experience for herself. She connected with her classmates and the network for exchange students at Korea University. Thea also helped the university’s Chinese student association with communications related tasks. Moreover, Thea found opportunities to further her interests at home, taking up several jobs as a media planner and a coordinator for a top fashion company’s exhibition in Beijing. She also joined an improv group and started writing sketches, in which she applied new perspectives from the film class.

    Looking back, Thea says her habit of continuously pursuing her passions made her virtual exchange memorable. While chatting with us, she pointed to a collection of fashion magazine posters on the wall behind her and said, “I started collecting them in my freshman year. I had no idea I was going to be working in the fashion industry, but my previous exposure to the field made it possible.” She added, “Don’t pull out of something because you don’t have an opportunity or enough time at the moment. Don’t rush. Keep doing it, and one day it will become useful.”

    Thea highlights the importance of keeping an open mind when studying abroad. “You may be surprised at the cultural differences at first. But take them all in, and they will take you all in too.” Having explored new disciplines abroad herself, Thea encourages others to explore different fields. “This may be the only chance in your life. Step out of your comfort zone, and you’ll find that it is not that scary.”

    *Story written by Mai Kasemsawade, ISEP Princetern 

  • 28 Feb 2023 12:00 PM | Tavon Cooke (Administrator)

    Internationally Inspired Pancake Breakfast 

    SJSU International House

    360 S. 11th St., San Jose, CA

    March 5, 2023

    9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

    ISEP community members in the Bay Area (alumni, students currently on an ISEP exchange program, prospective students, and supporters) are invited to San Jose Jose State University's annual international pancake breakfast, hosted at the International House.  

    In addition to meeting other members of the ISEP family in the area, attendees will spend the morning enjoying international entertainment, food, traditional dress, and pancakes!  The event will also feature musical and dance performances while showcasing traditional dress from all around the world. 

    Tickets are available at the door $10 for students and $20 for adults.  See you there! 

  • 24 Feb 2023 6:00 PM | Tavon Cooke (Administrator)

    The National Clearinghouse Disability and Exchange (NCDE) is seeking applicants for its Access to Exchange Externship, a paid remote internship in which alumni and current participants of international exchange programs conduct an outreach project to people with disabilities to educate them on how to study or volunteer abroad. Applicants with and without disabilities are welcome to apply.  

    This is open to all ISEP alumni, regardless of nationality. 

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Be a current participant or alum of an international exchange program, which can be either: U.S. to Another Country or Another Country to the U.S. 
    • Be interested in teaching people with disabilities about participating in an exchange or educating program providers on how to include participants with disabilities.
    • Have personal/professional experience with disability and international exchange.
    Click here for the application here.

    You may review previous outreach projects here.

    Please consider applying or sharing these links with your networks.

    Application deadline is March 5, 2023.

  • 20 Feb 2023 6:00 PM | Tavon Cooke (Administrator)

    Are you interested in working for the United Nations and similar international organizations?  If so, the U.S. Department of State encourages qualified U.S. citizens to apply to the UN Junior professional Officer Program. 

    A career with the UN means being at the forefront of international efforts to combat climate change, provide relief in humanitarian crises, alleviate poverty, end conflicts, and more.

    The UN JPO Program is a two-year developmental program for young professionals that provides a pathway to a career at the United Nations. During the two years, JPOs gain experience in the field of multilateral cooperation through on-the-job learning under the supervision of experienced UN staff.

    • Eligibility: JPO candidates must have either a master’s degree with at least three years of work experience or a bachelor’s with at least five years of working experience. U.S. candidates must be no older than 32 years of age as of December 31 of the year of application.

    For more information, and how to apply, click here.

    Deadline: March 15, 2023

  • 10 Feb 2023 6:00 PM | Tavon Cooke (Administrator)

    Calling all ISEP alumni who also received a Gilman scholarship to study abroad.  If you received a Gilman scholarship, or any other U.S. Department of State scholarship, you are eligible to apply for the a small grant through the 2023 Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund (CDAF).  

    The CDAF awards up to $10,000 to carry out a public service project related to any of the following themes:

    • Strengthening Democratic Institutions & Fighting Disinformation
    • Protecting the Environment
    • Building Community Through Arts, Sports, Language, and Technology
    • Human Rights, Refugees, and Migrants
    • Fostering Alumni Network Development 

    Some of the benefits of participating in the CDAF include applying what you learned during your study abroad time, the opportunity to meet other study abroad alumni, and the chance to show your creative and leadership skills.  

    For more information, click here: 2023 Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund

    Deadline is Wednesday, March 15, 2023.

ISEP Alumni Association 

Address: 1655 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 400, Arlington, Virginia, U.S. 22209

+1 (703) 504-9995, Michael Alijewicz, [email protected]

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